Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Double Trouble Dancing with The Stars

Marissa’s sexy woman gave us a mixed rumb-ango tonight. Her first number, the tango, we thought was very well executed, passionate and credible. Great dancing routine and choreography! The 27 was a little low in our view, however. And then came “Cuando cuando cuando…” and we thought, cuando (when) is she going to feel more confident? This was a slow boring hot latin dance. Not dirty rumba, not sexy rumba… a boring rumba. Technically, it was alright, but in personality (or lack of it) a reminder of weeks past. Nothing exciting here, nothing that really makes us want to see more of Marissa. She seems to have such a great personality, bubbly, always with a smile and a good feeling. This dance was not quite a match to others in this competition. However, Cristian’s injury may save Marissa from elimination tonight.

The South American Clark Gable, Cristian, was so elegant. He was flawless at the Viennese Waltz! And he was finally showing his personality also, looking more comfortable at it. We have come to like him a lot. Their hot latin dance looked like it was going to be fun, and then, what the…?!! The injury!! He truly looked in pain. But it is too bad, because he wasn’t that popular to begin with. We think he’ll be out. Cheryl’s a great trainer; no doubt, she can make a clean dancer out of anybody. But Cristian won’t be saved…

No much to say about Kristi, except that she’s doing a lot of Ice Skating moves. Their Hip Hop and Latin combo was great! An obvious generational gap between Len and Bruno and Carrie Ann, reflected in the score. Two hip judges and one cranky pant! (so says Tom Bergeron). Their dances were creative, cool and beautiful, and they will certainly stay another week.

Mario and Karina. We think they were really good last night. Their Fox Trot was a little messy at times, stiff in the beginning with odd arms. The judges’ comments did not have a very good tone. They almost sounded as if they did not think he would make it to next week. And their scores were low, especially at this stage of the game. Mario’s Mambo King! What else can we say… he was good, Great technical skill almost invisibly effortless in its perfection, as the fun went on. A very unfair 27!!! Was this the same as Shannon and Derek’s tango? A 27! No way!

Shannon aggressively slaps Derek and it all goes downhill from there. Torture and unpleasant b… (again, Tom’s words) of a dance, we did not agree with Bruno. It was not easy on the eyes. Carrie Ann is off, and so is Len. We have to watch it again because, truly, it was not fun to watch. The score of 27 as a technical reward, perhaps? Or perhaps the judges didn’t want to hear Derek and Shannon complaining again of bias against them? Well, tonight it seemed that they were positively biased towards them… The second time around, Shannon once again is dancing as if in “High School Recital” (a yet to be made for TV Disney movie): “Look at me Mama, I’m dancin’!!” No matter the fake butt, Shannon was stiff and THERE WAS NO HIP ACTION. This 24 was a lot better deserved than the earlier 27. At the beginning of this show, we kind of liked Shannon, but now, she seems more and more a spoiled little girl (or tall tomboy, whatever…). Maybe that’s why she’s had a hard time with her movie career?...

Jason and Edyta started off very quick and dynamic, Jason doing the drums thing and then jumping over Edyta in a spectacular way. His arms were better and both in the holding and in the separate the coordination was almost impeccable. A fun dance, quite the contrast with the one before (Shannon’s)… Perhaps ending with him on top is not quite PG-13, especially for a married man, but we all are grownup old codgers watching this show, aren’t we? A score of 29 was perfect for this dance. And then Jason and the NFL Monday Night Football theme! Is he going for the votes or what? At first we thought, great, this is going to be the Encore dance, but then something was missing, and they got a low 24 for it.

Who would do the Encore tonight? If Cristian is alright, they’ll probably do that one (to be nice, as they always are). If not, then we think Marissa’s Waltz or Mario’s Mambo. Who would be out? Cristian unfortunately, because of the low scores, his lack of popularity to begin with, and the fact that some viewers thought (unfairly, of course) that he was faking it (read at abc’s blogs).

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