Wednesday, May 21, 2008

DWTS: At last the mirrored ball is in her hands

Yesterday, after ten weeks, we reached the final steps of DWTS. Everyone was there again, some to show us why they left, some to make us wonder why they did. Highlights of the highlights: Adam once again brought a great spark of intelligent humor to the show, giving us the Patriotic take on DWTS: ‘this is why the terrorists hate us!’ Is he running for VP? A reprise of the best tango of the season: Priscilla’s. The most beautiful young couple (Shrek) doing their most beautiful fun dance, the quickstep, followed by Poopee and Karina showing us what a mambo is all about.
But the best dance numbers of the night belonged to Usher! Both of his numbers were outstanding. First, Usher was the closest thing to what Michael Jackson was in his day: a great singer and a great dancer. And for his second number he created quite an amazing choreography, a mix of Step, tap, quickstep and Hip Hop to an odd re-mix of his hit “Yeah!” Yeah to Usher!
We felt bad that Cristian left early but they were all winners, definitely. JT says he will dance again "for the right price"? Certainly his Touch Down dance will never be the same again! Kristi, as expected and deserved, won the mirrored ball.
DWTS is over for this season. SYTYCD starts on Thursday! Read our blog, all SYTYCD, at

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

DWTS: Finally the Finals!

After lots of spray tanning flowing downstream and down the drain our finalists are ready to show us what they’ve got and why they should be considered dancing stars, not just props in the hands of hard and hot bodied professionals.
The cha-cha face off gives us the final Latin taste of the season, and here is where we see the improvement, their transformation and the skill of each one clearly compared to the others. In a great and entertaining number all three stars dance one after the other.
After all the dancing, we believe that the most improved of all is Cristián, having found his Latin rhythm—remember he is from Chile, not exactly renowned as a “dancing country” among the Latin crowd. He was hot (pink) in the first number! For the second number, we enjoyed the samba, choreographed by Cheryl in a little more classical form than usual for the freestyle, except for all those one armed lifts. Question: Did the fact that they had no hip-hop moves affect the Judges’ comments? In the end, this show has been great for Cristián, because we all knew who JT is, and we also knew Olympian Kristi, but who really knew about Cristián before DWTS? He really has worked hard to be in the finals and whatever the results, he’s won. Sí!
Regardless of any previous experience as an ice skater, Kristi was the greatest transformation of the season. She got Bruno’s vote early in the dance off, by leaving lipstick under his nose starting the Cha-cha. But she was definitely dancing, not skating. Many will say “unfair” if she wins, because she was an “ice dancer” to start with. But she has demonstrated to us—and learned herself—the difference between ice skating and dancing. That jazz/hip-hop freestyle number was outstanding! The difficulty of the fast choreography and multiple lifts left the couple and the audience floored. Her personality did come through this time and we can see that she took Julianne’s advice to spread her legs and pointe her feet (though with those Converse on her feet, pointing seems pointless). She has the greatest chance to win this thing… because she IS dancing!
Jason’s arms were overshadowed once again by Edyta’s legs. She has a way of distracting our eyes, but still we did get to see that Jason has not improved as much as he should have. In the freestyle her Pocahontas costume distracts once again, and JT, not to get outdone has his shirt ripped off at the end! Len comments on all the eye candy in a way that shocks our brain with an image related to him and Jason we need to erase! This number is fun and better than the Paso from last time, with the amazing lifts and push & shoves this time a lot easier on the eyes than the rag-doll feeling we got that time. The hip-hop funk continues (from Kristi’s previous dance) more credible, less jazzy. But Edyta: you really should have taught JT what to do about those arms. Jason amrs always looked awkward, unnatural and, sorry, but not the way a man moves. Did JT never see how Derek moves? Or Mark? Or even Cristián (although his injury got in the way of posture at the end)?
Our prediction: For the greatest, and in the end most difficult, improvement in dancing technique and showtime personality: Kristi Yamaguchi. For coming out of nowhere and incredible transformation, first runner up: Cristián de la Fuente. And coming in third over all the rest of the competitors, and originally our personal favorite: Jason Taylor.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

DWTS: Stepping up to the Finals

Okay, so we were wrong: Jason prances on. It was a tossup, trying to choose between him or Marissa leaving. Two athletes and an entertainer are left. We’re glad that Cristian made it to the final, because he really deserves it. Kristi’s been good from the beginning. And Jason, well, he even said it (his own words) he’s “fooling America into voting for him.”

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

DWTS: Random Balls of Dances / Deliberate Acts of Dancing

Semifinals week, four couples left, one week left. The couples select their dances picking out little mirror balls out from a giant half of a Mirror ball (mistakenly referred to as a hat by Jason: is that what he wears on his dome?). This contrasts with what should be the intentional selection of final-worthy choreographies: the show tonight should be especially tough.

Jason makes a charge to end zone clicking his heels in the Fox Trot: a good attempt. Good flow, it looked good, with the occasional odd arms, in this case it seemed like he was trying for real. But when it came to his Latin dance, The Paso Doble, he looked stiff all over. What was Edyta’s thinking, trying to make him show off extensions that just were not there? The choreographed moves just made him look stiff and awkward. Edyta, having herself thrown around like a rag doll? Perhaps the “aggressiveness” that Len wanted went a little overboard: a little on the Frankenstein dance look, not looking effortless, not pretty, a little scary even. Paraphrasing Jason in his own comments afterward: it seems as if he doesn’t want to dance, but does it as an obligation. Training camp for the Dolphins has started, and DWTS has not ended... is he showing his priorities? I think he fumbled.

Love seeing Stacy Keibler once again giving tips and, okay, so that was weird: Len shaking his hips hotly with Marissa (and Marissa sliding her hands down). Marissa does deserve to be in the finals, great moves in the quick-step, as always a bit on the safe side: occasionally a slow-step instead. That rumba demonstrated what this show is all about. Her development since the show started is amazing! She pulled it off, slowly seductive moves that worked well. Carrie Ann did not care for this number, though; she even thought that it was not up to semifinal standards. Bruno, comparing Marissa to a locomotive—as always a little on the non-PC side—does bring to mind the little engine that could, or maybe not? The competition was hard tonight; her personality may carry her through even when her dancing may not. However, it seemed as if the judges have their own hidden agenda, and want Jason in the finals instead.

Good Viennese for the one armed dancer! He does look scared all the time, his mouth agape even since before his injury. But maybe we were looking for something more risqué in this one: there did not seem to be that much “chemistry” going on. What happened? His Samba, though, was outstanding! No arm troubles here. His scared face once again does make him look a little intimidated…. by Cheryl’s hot moves? or by the possibility of re-injuring his arm? Regardless of his “Mask” expression and oversized dental veneers, shirtless Cristian should make it to the finals! We like it when he talks, but when he dances: can he please keep his mouth closed?

For Kristi it seems as if the Tango is hard emotionally: a dance that has to show seduction between two people that do not care about each other, except in a professional sex-trade way. She has to seduce, but does not care. He has to seduce but does not care. Success in making it come together in the end is hard. Kristi tried, but was not quite convincing enough in this department. However the technical aspect in this dance is so far removed from ice skating that this time you could see some real dance moves from her. Not perfect but close. What we loved about Kristi this week is that she wasn’t ice skating any more (except for that little slide in the jive). Truly this was her best night to show and demonstrate improvement. She is dancing; she is going to the finals.

The votes really count tonight, and we may be wrong for the second time this season, but if all is fair and we want to see some entertaining dances in the final of DWTS, these will include Kristi, Cristian and Marissa toe to toe. Sorry Jason: back to training camp. Jason, when Balanchine said: “I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance,” this is not what he meant.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

DWTS: 100 Shows of the Workout Program for The Stars…. oh, and the Results

Last night, we really enjoyed the 10 best dance countdown! What we loved the most: Maksim & Mel B recorded number, justifiably in the top 10! And Maksim live in the dance with other pros! Stacy Keibler, the wrestler, a beautiful face and the best body in 100 shows, Bruno’s weapon of mass seduction! Great Yellow banana dance for Helio and Julianne, sealed with that surprise kiss and drop; and one of our favorites, the cowboy Drew, riding with Cheryl! All 10 were great, and I suppose you have to show one first and another one last, but the top 10 choice was indeed well selected: Mario (Lopez) and Karina’s tango was great, amazing! The footwork, the faces, the swoons… and then Mario L. showed us in the live celebration that he ain’t improvised. His chorus line number kicked it up high. Apolo and Julianne came out with a great number for Julianne. Helio says, wow that guy can dance! But he reminded us of the fact that this show is also a dance workout for the stars: Apolo has not kept in shape… did you see his butt in those red pants? Julianne, as always, was great. We love seeing her every time.
About the results (yeah, that too): Our five finalists did concur with what we said in our last blog: Personality is key. Each one of them talked about their favorite previous star and focused on the personality, not the technique of their favorite. Mario (no last name -- better known as Poopee) did not win the audience on this one, and as we predicted, walked away.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dancing With the Stars Lifts Galore: Bottoms up!

The semi-semi final saw a bit of a change in the rules, with lifts being allowed. Priscilla would have had an advantage this week because she just walks on the floor with several lifts already. But let us talk about our couples. At this point personality is what starts making the votes count. All contestants have demonstrated dancing capabilities. A little flare for drama and the unexpected goes a long way today. Personality plus technique is what counts tonight.

Kristi Yamaguchi’s first number was nearly flawless technically, and she knows how to woo a judging panel. Shades of Ethel Merman’s hands start showing and somehow appear again with Marissa’s number. Kristi’s second number includes a lot of ice skating without the skates, including some on the spot spins that Marissa also does. The hands, the spin… was Marissa spying? Once again, Kristi’s complicated routines looked, however, effortless, as the accomplished artist she is. Kristi takes advantage of her strengths, but has not shown as much development as Mario, for example. And it seems as her strength is also her weakness: Her obvious technical advantage places her high technically, but low in viewers’ hearts. Her low scores tonight also place her in danger. Technique rating: 9.5 impressive! Personality rating: 6.5 a bit too much of a nice girl.

When Mario did that lift of Karina the first time it was amazing. I think Carrie Ann liked Mario’s stiff this time, and Len’s initial comment makes us wonder: how many times has he seen Britney Spears getting out of a Limo? Odd comment… Britney is probably not going to watch the show anymore. When Mario repeated the almost exact same lift in his second number (granted, with a little over the head twist) it looked as if we had seen it before (about ten minutes ago!) Give me a break, the anticipation and buildup was greater than the delivery. The bit in the swimming pool was also déjà vu all over again, Karina trying to show off in a bikini after Cheryl already did it. Mario had a lot of missteps in his second number, Karina eying him all the time to make sure he was getting it right. Mario will be lucky if he stays out of the bottom two. Technique rating: 8.2 stiff and not at the same time, a little too much of the same. Personality rating: 7.5 of a brazen hip hop youth.

Marissa can do sexyyyyy! Both her numbers were safe, but her second one was hot! Marissa is the underdog tonight, and she knows it. She brings out the smiles, the fun and the charm. She ain’t a size two, but she sure can make us fluster. She has become the heart of what this show is all about but, were they sneaking at Kristi’s rehearsals? The hands? The “pepper pot” at the end? Technique rating: 6.5 for some copy-catting and little risk taking; Personality rating: a Bruno’s dirty TEN! (despite Len’s comment that she should be sleazier).

Jason has fans but Len is not among his most devoted tonight. The judges’ table was polarized, with Len’s geography a little off, what with his problem in the dance being that what he saw was a Tango from Argentina, nonetheless! Carrie Ann said that Bruno was possessed, given his sharp reaction against Len. Personally, the first dance did seem like a great routine, but wardrobe was not up to par, despite Edyta’s near state of undress that drew most of the focus of the dances to her. Both of the dancers in the same shade of dark in that first number made them blend rather than clash, as the choreography suggested. Edyta’s dress should always be red. Carrie Ann did mention new shades and colors in the competition perhaps reflecting Jason’s new (spray) tan (was that really necessary?) and whitened teeth (reminded us of Ross’ from Friends). The first routine was almost perfect: the expressions, the choreography, the movements. Great! Jason has charisma and star power and in this number he showed why he is the one to beat. In the second number he really did not do well, perhaps trying to hold off: afraid of looking too gay? Techinque 7.9 (well executed lifts, lousy samba); Personality 9.5 for taking lunches with Denzel Washington and Al Pacino.

The one armed dancer and his partner Cheryl come in trying to play the sympathy card. Once again not in good graces with the wardrobe department in that first number, although the reference to “the gloved one” (Michael Jackson) in relation to Cristian’s injury was kind of funny. But what, no Moon Walking? Cristian uses the injury, clearly detailed in scary-CSI detail so that skeptics will believe, to try and play up the athlete angle: Remember more athletes have won DWTS than entertainers. No Pain no gain, no ten no gain, no Len no Mirror Ball… His pain was apparent from our camera angle almost as much as his spray tan. Although the judges say they did not see his pained face, will our seeing it garner votes? Cheryl peering through a feather duster (Tom does have a way with words) is not a good sign of things to come in that department. The mambo was a show stopper, not gay at all (Jason, take note), biggest pleasant surprise of the night. Technique: 8.9 for the second number, Personality 7.5 improved substantially this week.

Only five couples left, next week is the semi finals and tomorrow is the 100th show. DWTS is a guilty pleasure, a high rated program that used to go under the radar in most popular entertainment news, but has always been really funny. The fake drama, including padded butts getting kicked out as they cry, the light comedy, the innuendo and the paso-double meanings, make us want to watch the show… all… the… way! This Monday Night the finish line is in sight, the line of scrimmage set, and a touchdown seems almost inevitable.

PS: Mario and Marissa in the bottom two, a tossup between both: Mario will not be making lifts tonight. A possible big upset, however, could be Kristi skating away.